Ingredients in the common Ar Sap Baazigu drink of West Java : Jagad

West  places recipe for their own baazi gur  drink recipe to warm up the body

Entering the  rainy season  As  it is  today,  it is best  to generalize the drinks of R. Sep Baazigu in West Java to keep  the body warm|  For and around the people  of  West  Java  , they need to get acquainted with the drinks of Baazigu|    This drink, which is rich in ginger   , is actually in great demand as it  can warm up the body|

Although it comes from Bandang in West Java  , Bajigur  has  also become popular in  various parts  of the islands, especially on the island of Java|   Baazigur himself is a warm drink made from ginger, coconut milk, brown sugar  and vanilli|   This  traditional western place’s own drink is  usually  sold at night to get hot|

Bandigur is very popular in Bandung and its surrounding areas where there are cold snaps  |  The  ginger content  in this drink is actually able to warm up the body so that the  flowers in which it  lives  match the weather of the city  |   The drink is usually served  with a variety of stews such as ummi in cobs, corn in cobs and  boiled bananas|

These days,  it’s no longer difficult to find a typical West  Javanese beverage seller  because there are a lot of vendors out there  who travel every night  | still, if you want to be more stable, you can make  this  warm drink at home|   The recipe for this West Javanese Baazigu drink is not a complicated one|   More details about the recipe and how to check it out the following reviews:

Ingredients and how to make a delicious baazigur

This typical  western  space  is not really difficult to make  its own drink|   The materials required are also not too much so that anyone can definitely make it| If you’re interested in making this warm drink, here’s the recipe and how to  make  it:

Ingredients in the common Ar Sap Baazigu drink of West Java:

  1. Ginger 2 cm
  2. 5 litres of coconut milk comes from a single coconut grain
  3. Cinnamon 3 cm
  4. Brown sugar 260 grams, Comb
  5. Pandan leaves 2 pieces
  6. 1 teaspoon of ground coffee
  7. 1 teaspoon of granulated sugar
  8. 1/2 tsp of salt
  9. Kolang-Kaling for taste

Steps to make  a typical West Javanese Baazigu drink recipe:

  1. Prepare  a saucepan  then boil 1.5 litres  of coconut milk  |  Add  pandan leaves, granulate sugar and brown sugar to the coconut milk stew  |   Stir the coconut milk gently till the stew boils so that it does not break down|
  2. After boiling and mixing, also place the burnt ginger and remove the skin with coconut milk stew  |   Add cinnamon, ground coffee and salt too  |   All the ingredients blend well and cook till it is cooked|
  3. Let  the coffee stand for a while until it settles  down then pour in a cup or glass|   Add the pieces of kalinga kolang to  make it tastier and  serve when it’s hot  |   Serve  with a variety of studded dishes  and weedang is ready to enjoy |

You need to know the history of Bajigu’s drinks

Baazigur is  a traditional drink originating from The Priyangan of West Java|  The beginning of the existence of Weidang Bajigur was a habit of farmers who  often prepared  palm sugar in hot water  before moving to the rice fields|  Also, it evolved and combined with coconut water and ginger  so that it  became wedang bajigur as it is today|

Farmers first  added warm sugar water to ginger and coconut milk  .  Who would have thought that warm drinks eventually became very demanding until they became known as Baazigur  | From here, the recipe for west Javanese bajigur drinks is known as  a  common West Javanese drink that is  very popularly consumed to warm the body|

In the 1990s, the bajigurs  were  being  a  push by swordsmen  and sold widely|   The sellers of this drink usually sell at  night   because the drink is too powerful to warm up the nightly weather of the  famous cold city  of Bandung  |   Over time, there were more and more Wedang Bazigu merchants and expanded beyond the West  Java region|

Baazigur is  known for  its sweet taste  with warm sensaeyes from ginger|  This paired with a piece of Kolang-Kalinga makes the drink even more palatable| In addition to   being  delicious to drink at night, people in  West Java also  drink it in the  morning  before starting the activity  | it is believed to be capable of increasing the endurance and energy to do the work  |

Difference between  Bazigur and Bandrek

Some still consider that Baazigur is the  same  as Vanderek|   Although the recipe for West Javanese Baazigu’s drinks is very different with bandreck|   Invisibly, the bandreck has a clear shape while Baazigur is more cloudy as it is mixed with coconut milk|

Bandreck is  made from a decotation of brown sugar with  ginger|   Generally,  some spices like cinnamon, cloves, pandan leaves and pepper are also added  to warm up the  body  |   Bandreck boiled water has a clear Cokeelat color  with a fairly strong ginger scent|   Bandreck is usually served with small coconut meat and  can also be mixed with sweet condensed milk  |

While baazigur is mainly made from palm sugar and coconut milk, ginger and other spices are then added | if bandreck has a clear Cokeelat color then Baazigur is  more intense because there is an extra coconut milk|   The drink is usually served with fried friends or pieces of kolang-kalinga with boiled bananas  |

Although both hold ada and come from  West  Java,  the  recipes for the drinks  and bandrakes of West Javaniz Baazigu are very different|   So if you visit the flowertown,    don’t call these two kinds of warm minuhumans  incorrectly  |   However, these two types have similar benefits, which are  both able to warm up the body  and  increase  tolerance  |

Benefits of beverages for  health

Baazigu’s drink  is not only tasty to enjoy but also has many benefits for the body|  The  content of  ginger  in  this  typical Baazigur drink recipe in West Java is able to warm up the body in the winter|   Not only that, there are many other benefits of this drink which  are  very famous in Bandung city  |

Drinks of west Java’s common R. sap bajigu  are also believed to be capable of relieving flu symptoms, especially nasal congestion and cold|   Not only that, some people are also believed that the content of ginger and other spices in the drink is able to increase tolerance and   prevent  cholesterol  levels  |   in blood.  Some people also believe that Baazigur is able to prevent obesity|

The  ginger content  in this drink is  also  believed to be good for skin health and beauty|   This  western space  is believed to be able to solve some digestive problems  as well by  drinking its wedang | so don’t  be surprised if this drink becomes increasingly popular because it is  not only tasty but also has many benefits for the body and health  |

In the midst of  a  pandemic like  today, maintaining tolerance is very important to stay fit  |  One of the ingredients believed to be able to properly increase endurance  is ginger |

Apart from being delicious, Bajigur also has several benefits for the body, especially  boosting a tolerance  and preventing  flu symptoms|  Apart from being able to process at Ginger Wedang,  making the typical Ar Sap Baazigu drink of Javanese Barat can also be a recommendation for you to  try  |

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